Float Cafe & Bar
in Santa Fe, NM

Inspired libations and cosmic munchies.

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Float Cafe & Bar

If your journey through the multiverse brings you to the House of Eternal Return, be sure to stop by retro-future sci-fi Float Café & Bar for a taste of expertly crafted delight. It’s the perfect spot to unwind before, between, or after exploring the mind-bending mysteries of the exhibition. This sanctuary of hand-mixed cocktails and mocktails, and delightful snacks offers the ideal escape.

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Daily hours of operation may vary; please check our ticketing site for the most current information.

A bartender at float cafe smiling and handing a beverage to a patronA red cocktail served in a beaker, with foggy smoke all around itA coffee drink with freeze dried marshmallows on topa coffee with chocolate, marshmallows and googly eyes