Over 70 unreleased, independently-produced video games to be featured at the 7th annual event. || Free, All ages
Installation Artist Olivia Brown trys to replicate the color and texture of 'space kelp' for a future Meow Wolf installation.
Meow Wolf Artist Alec Brown is a self-described wormhole enthusiast.
When you visit Meow Wolf's gift shop, you're bound to meet Eva Gonzalez. She'll have a huge smile on her face and be doing what she does best: interacting with people.
Jeff Teague is Tech Maintenance Lead for House of Eternal Return. He's responsible for all technology related things in the multiverse. Throughout the day when stuff pops up or gets broken, he fixes it.
For Mikey Rea's Talent Show we’ve got 16 weeks of programming, each episode is animated and brought to life on Instagram, Facebook, and Youtube starting May 16th.