Commute via the Quantum Department of Transportation to the Convergence, a bustling city created by a rare cosmic event that joined four alien worlds. When you’re not trading memories as a form of currency, you and your fellow interdimensional travelers can venture out into four floors of surreality featuring Meow Wolf’s most epic immersive art to date. If you’ve ever wanted to wax heroic at the crossroads of a real life sci-fi neutopia, this is the space-time for you.
Daily hours of operation may vary; please check our ticketing site for the most current information. It is highly recommended to purchase tickets in advance.
Daily hours of operation may vary; please check our ticketing site for the most current information. It is highly recommended to purchase tickets in advance.
Daily hours of operation may vary; please check our ticketing site for the most current information. It is highly recommended to purchase tickets in advance.
Daily hours of operation may vary; please check our ticketing site for the most current information. It is highly recommended to purchase tickets in advance.
Convergence Station
Phone: 1-866-636-9969
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