
Capricorn Season: Hustlers Unite!

Discover what Capricorn season has in store for everybody, and get a breakdown on all of the key dates you need to know!

Hello, Astro fam! It’s Capricorn Season, and you know what that means...

Capricorn Season starts on the Winter Solstice every year and aligns nicely with the tradition of New Year’s resolutions, as Capricorn energy wants you to put in a little hustle to live your very best life. Saturn rules the house of Capricorn — and can be a pretty harsh taskmaster — but he is always generous with those who show up and put in the long hours to reach their goals. Just like working out — if you show up every day, you will undoubtedly see the results! If you don’t...well, don’t expect any changes to your situation. Capricorn has a list and he’s checking it twice, so make sure you’re not being naughty so Saturn can be nice. 

With a New Moon Eclipse and 6 planets in Capricorn, Cap’ Season is taking us by storm this year!! For those of you who do not study astrology, any time you have more than four planets in a sign it’s called a “stellium,” and they’re somewhat rare! 

What's the main message with all of these planets hanging out in Capricorn? Get your shit together and start making moves. The time for contemplation is over. Decisions must be made. Capricorn is a no-nonsense, cardinal earth sign showing all of us peons what getting down to business is really about! 

Key Dates for Capricorn Season: 

December 21 - The Sun moves into Capricorn: Let’s get down to business! 

December 26 - New Moon ECLIPSE in Capricorn: A portal is opening for us to walk into a new phase of work and career. Let go of any fears you are holding surrounding your success. 

December 28 - Mercury moves into Capricorn: Communication becomes very practical, logical, and it’s easier to detach from emotions.  

January 3 - Mars enters Sagittarius: Motivations kick into high gear and the bigger picture of our plan is revealed to us.  

January 10 - Full Moon ECLIPSE in Cancer: A portal is closing on the past and the emotional baggage we have been carrying. Let it go. Release. 

Unsolicited Advice on Navigating the Season: 

Earth and Fire signs will probably thrive in this energy as it's natural for both to take action and hustle towards their dreams. However, Air and Water signs may find this energy a little too demanding and pushy for their tastes. Air signs prefer to think and dream about things over taking action, and Water signs are known for clinging to the past. There is a shift happening right now — in all of us — as we move into 2020. A release needs to happen for us to move forward. This is what the Eclipse in Capricorn brings to everyone’s tables this month. 

As the Capricorn house ruler, this Saturn energy is asking: What are you clinging on to? Anything inauthentic cannot survive at this time. This applies to relationships, jobs, social structures…anything built on shaky ground is destined to come tumbling down. Of course, all this is happening to bring us back to the groundwork of who we really are. Lots of people are coming into alignment with their true purpose right now, but while it’s happening it can feel a little bit like the sky is falling. Have faith in your ability to change because YOU will define yourself in these difficult moments.