
COVID-19 Resources for Artists

The following is a list of available resources for artists around the country who have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

***Last Updated April 8, 2020***

Stay tuned as this Resource Guide will be frequently updated with new resources.

Meow Wolf is a company made of artists. We love our artist community, and we will continue to support the efforts of the countless individuals around the world who make up the creative economy.

These are the people who have made us what we are today and we are nothing without their support. However, the livelihoods of so many artists were recently changed overnight by the COVID-19 pandemic. 

We care about each artist in our community and strongly recommend reaching out to the artists in your life. How are they doing? What do they need? Help them feel connected and cared for in a time of uncertainty. 

Many artists in our circle are part of the gig and freelance economies. They work project to project or paycheck to paycheck to pay the bills. They are painters, producers, performers, musicians, filmmakers, writers, illustrators, sculptors and so much more, working tirelessly to infuse creativity into our lives. Now, they need us, as many of the projects artists were working on have come to a screeching halt due to COVID-19. Productions have been canceled, concerts have been postponed, museums and galleries have closed, and the creatives who rely on these sources for income have been left with bills to pay.

There is a lot of information floating around, but we wanted to compile some resources for the larger artist community looking for support in this time of need. Here are some ways you can help:

Social Distance

The best way you can support your creative community is to stay at least 6 feet from other humans. This practice helps to “flatten the curve” so that our hospitals and institutions are not overwhelmed. We know this can be challenging, but we encourage you to find creative ways to connect with friends, family and loved ones!

Emergency Grants & Funding

There are currently hundreds of options to apply for emergency funding, and hundreds of artists in need. We’ve pulled together some helpful links and suggestions below. 

Where to begin? We highly suggest reaching out to your local city or state government to ask what resources are available for local artists. This way you have a better understanding of what they are looking for in an application, along with more localized support. If they don’t have artist grants available yet, ask them to set up a specific fund for local artists to apply. Doing this increases your chances of receiving funding exponentially.

Here are a few of the most comprehensive artist resource guides for grants we have found:

We also have a few resources for artists in our Meow Wolf communities: 

Currently getting up and running for local artists to apply for up to $1,000 in assistance. More details soon!

Currently taking applications from artists within 80 miles of Albuquerque to receive up to $1,000 in assistance.

Funding will be donated to Santa Fe area nonprofit organizations up to $5,000. Applications to open next week.

Funding up to $1,000 for artists who live in Denver

Know Your Rights

During this time, our government is responding in several different ways to help people affected by COVID-19. Be sure to stay up to date on the resources available to you from federal and state agencies. 

  • In response to COVID-19, the federal government has expanded the eligibility of workers to apply for unemployment assistance. This includes: layoffs, quarantine measures, and workers who have hours reduced.
  • Each state has their own system set up. Contact your state for help filling it out to ensure you have coverage.
  • Free unlimited smartphone data
  • Not terminating service due to inability to pay
  • Waiving late fees
  • Wi-Fi hotspots available to everyone
  • 60-day free Comcast internet for low-income, elderly, and veteran households
  • For small businesses, apply for relief from the Federal Small Business Administration Disaster Loan program
  • Many states have set up disaster loan programs. Contact your state or local economic development office to learn more
  • New Mexico Economic Development’s Loan Guarantee program
  • Expanding food assistance through WIC and SNAP 
  • Offering tax relief for employers and employees

Practice Self-Care

We cannot stress enough the importance of taking care of yourself. It’s a stressful time, and if you’re anything like us, your anxiety is through the roof. We’ve got a few good recommendations here:

  • Take a walk or hike. The outdoors are not closed.
  • Talk to someone you care about - family members or friends. Reach out to connect.
  • Don’t spend all day online. It can be bad for your mental health.
  • Send letters, drawings, or artwork to your loved ones.
  • Find a routine. 

Advocate for the Artist Community

While our government officials are working on relief packages for those affected by COVID-19, we want to make sure that artists and freelance workers are included in these support packages. It’s important that we make our voices heard:

  • Contact your local city and/or state government 
  • Ask them to set up or expand artist relief grants
  • Ask them to place a moratorium on evictions
  • Contact your local energy, gas and/or power company
  • Ask them to place a moratorium on shutoffs for nonpayment and for late fees
  • Many companies have already done this, so check with your local provider
  • Sign on to IATSE’s letter asking Congress to include relief for the entertainment & arts industry in their COVID-19 relief package
  • Fill out Americans for the Arts economic impact survey, this will guide their relief planning for local, regional and national efforts
  • Donate to a local artist who needs support!

We know this is a challenging time for our community, and hope these resources and ideas can help strengthen our resolve. Stay safe friends. We hope to add more resources in the coming weeks. 

National Grants/Relief Funds from 501(c)3 Nonprofit Organizations & Unions

National Crowdfunding & Collective Action Efforts

The below are new funds set up specifically to relieve artists in financial crisis as a result of COVID-19. We cannot vouch for the methods by which funds/services are distributed, and welcome any feedback via our submission form!

Local Grants/Relief Funds from 501(c)3 Organizations, Unions, and Local Arts Councils

Local Crowdfunding & Collective Action Efforts

In general, the below are new funds set up specifically to relieve artists in financial crisis as a result of COVID-19. We cannot vouch for the methods by which funds/services are distributed, and welcome any feedback via our submission form! Please note: never share social security number or bank account number through a Google form.

Interest Free Loans

International Resources (outside United States)