
Score Wars Record Setters, Galaga Champs and the Years to Come

While the Galaga amateurs and pros defended the earth from invaders, another saved the world from Asteroids. At the same time, new world records were set in the more earthbound challenges of Track & Field, Centipede and Nibbler.

Score Wars, presented by Meow Wolf, has crashed its final ship for 2018.

The victory was absolute and the earth stands defended from an alien presence once more. And while the Galaga amateurs and pros defended the earth from invaders, another saved the world from Asteroids. At the same time, new world records were set in the more earthbound challenges of Track & Field, Centipede and Nibbler.

We’re proud of our event and our live streaming partnership with Twitch and XSplit. And we’re proud of how many showed up to compete, to casually play games and to spectate. But most of all we’re proud of our champs and the new friendships that were forged over the four days of Score Wars.

Meow Wolf's Score Wars Amateur Champion Sherman Peterson. Photo by Kate Russell.

The Galaga Champs

The games were anyone's to take. The competition on both Amateur and Pro-Level was close and fierce, but here's the final shake out:

Amateur Champ and winner of the $1,500 Prize: Sherman Peterson

Pro Champ, Galaga World Champ and winner of the $10,000 Prize: Andrew Barrow

A flash of smoke, a shroud of mystery before...

Galagalubek emerges from his cocoon to challenge Sherman Peterson, Amateur Champion, in the time honored game of Galaga.

Photos Kate Russell.

The Record Breakers

We’d hoped to see world records set over the course of the four day event, but four records, that exceeded any of our dreams! All new records were presided over and had scores confirmed by Twin Galaxies' editorial staff.

And the record breakers are:

Hector Rodriguez, Track & Field (1 Man Extended Run): Hector broke his own record, previously held at 5,151,790, to offer a new high score of 5,513,320.

Donald Hayes, Centipede (Points, Tournament Setting): Donald, like Hector, dismantled his own world record. He replaced his old score of 7,111,111, set way back in 2001, with a new score of 7,750,817.

Tim McVey (of Man vs Snake fame), Nibbler (5 Life Limit): Astonishingly another world record smashed to bits by its own previous high score holder. Tim beat his record of 1,781,630 points with an incredible new score of 6,447,590!

And Finally, John McAllister, Asteroids (Tournament, 5 Man): John beat out previous record holder Brian Nelson by more than doubling his score. The record of 299,010 was toppled by John’s 625,340.

The Scorewars Galaga Finals at Meow Wolf. Photo Kate Russell.

Score Wars: 2019…

What records will be broken in 2019, what games will be in play? We’re not sure yet. At the moment we’re giving our wrists a break from four days of serious gameplay. But after we’ve slept in, caught up on the world news and satisfied our art cravings we’ll be ideating around next year’s event.We so look forward to seeing you all there!