10 Details You May Have Missed at Meow Wolf’s Omega Mart

In honor of 3 years of Omeg-cellence, we found 10 things you may have missed inside Meow Wolf's Omega Mart in Las Vegas.

It’s been three years of boop cards and 12-foot-long receipts left in baskets and the only thing we’re sure of is that, even now, you still have no idea what’s in-store for you! 

Omega Mart has a certain “Je ne sais nothing to see here” quality that’s hard to describe, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t still plenty to see…if you know where to look…which is everywhere. 

“You could go there everyday and still find something different! It’s absolutely genius!!!! It really is the best place to be!” - Missy S. 

You’re not the only one, Missy! That’s why, in honor of 3 years of Omeg-cellence, we perused the place and found 10 things you may have missed the first (or fourth) time around! 

L'Omega Man

L’Omega: one of the first things you see when you arrive and take in the gloriousness of Omega Mart. Boasting fan favorite flavors like Mashed Potato and New Car, it’s easy to get lost in the close-up details and miss the bigger picture. 

And what is the bigger picture? 

A photo of the L’Omega “soda” cases, each painted in hues of blue, pink and yellow. The cases feature flavors like Plain Plain and Colby Jazz. Over the stacked soda cases, a sign hangs that reads “Total Bargain Madness.” Other products like chip pillows and personalized bleach can be seen in the distance.
L’Omega Soda

That’s for L’Omega to know and U’Omega to find out. 

No Sop For You

Where to begin with our Camel Sop display? We could go on and on about the pigeon-tested, pigeon-approved flavors, but if you just focused on the labels, then you’d be missing out. 

A photo of the Camel’s Sop, with cans in various colors like blue, red and yellow. Flavors include Implied Chicken, Fashioned Beef, Hint of Husks, Homestyle Pigeon, Barely Barly and Dream of Mushroom. Several cans are upside down
Camel’s Sop Display. Photo by Atlas Media

A nod to the hit franchise (we legally can’t say by name) hanging above. 

Cans in disarray. 

An exhausted camel triggered by the press of that one special sop. 

Our only request is that you please do not climb. 🤦

If These Walls Could Talk

Frosty Drinkables Cooler inside of Omega Mart. Photo by Atlas Media

You heard about the cooler portal on TikTok so you bought tickets to Omega Mart and then you pulled out your phone and you went right into the fridge and we haven’t seen you since. 

Well that’s cool (see: refrigerator joke), but that means you likely skipped out on just one of the hidden gems painted on the walls above those delightfully frosty drinkables. 

A photo of the wall of frosty drinkables. In the center, the door to the fridge is open and you can clearly walk through it but what’s on the other side remain unseen. To the left of the center fridge is another cooler that reads “Don’t forget the ZALG” and to the right is an actual cooler that holds beverages for purchase.
Frosty Drinkables Mural. Photo by Atlas Media

Did someone request soda penguins? Done. 

Soda volcano erupting into a soda sea filled with sod-olphins? Omega Mart truly has it all.

A photo of the food chain mural. In the center of the mural is “You” represented by the silhouette of a head. Sprouting from you are several animals like bugs, lemurs, penguins, as well as other less sensical items like a cheeseburger, a cursed amulet, and phytoplankton. Underneath the mural are several shelves of products!
“Food Chain” Mural inside of Meow Wolf’s Omega Mart. Photo by Atlas Media

Next time you’re in, look up! From the store to the bathrooms to the stairwells, these walls tell quite the story. 

Staff Only…? 

Okay, we know what we said. And we understand how confusing the messaging can be, so we’ll say it here once and for all:

A photo with the Janitor’s closet in the center. The closed bright red door has a yellow Omega symbol on it with the word “Janitor” underneath. To the left of the door, a pair of shoppers are looking at Omega Haus products. To the right of the image is the deli counter, with the Meats of the Worlds poster hanging on the wall.
The Janitor’s Closet at Omega Mart. Photo by Atlas Media

The janitor’s closet is for janitors only. Omega Mart defines “janitor” as someone who has, is, or has considered cleaning in the past, present or future, regardless of age, gender or dimension. 

Canmel Sop. Photo by Christopher DeVargas

So please, unless this applies to you, definitely stay OUT. 

Cosmic Coincidence?

Omega Mart is not our only exhibition on this plane, we’ve also got the first born in Santa Fe, a behemoth in Denver, an otherworldly experience in Grapevine, TX, and two more mysterious portals opening in Houston and Los Angeles. Each exhibit has its own story, its own beautiful art, and each is meant to stand alone, but we’re artists who can’t help but lay easter eggs any chance we get. 

Cosmohedron at Meow Wolf’s Convergence Station. Photo by Atlas Media

If you’ve ever been to Convergence Station in Denver, you’ve likely seen the Cosmohedron that spans three floors. If you’ve ever been to Omega Mart, then you’ve likely missed our Cosmohedron. Don’t feel bad. Ours is only about 13 inches tall. 

A photo of miniature sculptures inside of the trophy case. To the far right of the image, there is a miniature version of the Cosmohedron. It’s surrounded by other miniatures that are hard to decipher.
Dramcorp Trophy Case. Photo by Atlas Media

Tucked within the ǝ̴̢̜̯͕̺̺̯͙͈́̔̓͐͐̾͐̚s̶̟̞͓̣̣̝̤̝̥̣͓̟̣̅̀̐̈̿̒̔̚͠ͅɐ̷̛̛̳̫̳͍̯̈́̐́͌Ɔ̷̼̘̟̥̪̟̰̪͓̄̌̎ ̵̥̩̣͉̪̟̺͎̣͋̔ʎ̴̢̧̧͇͔̫͉̗͓̪̳̎̃̈̀̋̐̏̕̚̕ͅɥ̷̥͍̥̥̱͍̇͂͆́̓͆̇̈́̕d̵̠͙̗̮̲̞̳͙̪̥̬͉̥͛͊̓̀̔̔̚͜͝͠ŏ̸̻̇̇̌̀͌͛̄́̎̒̇̚ɹ̷̤̙̬̌͑̈̊̇̐̀┴̵̳͚͉̥̑̇͌̂̓͑̊ ̷̡̧͈̝͔̗̪̖̯̗̽̀̓d̷̡̟̞̘̠̺̝̰͕̄̈́̀̈̍̐̒͗̄̕ɹ̸̛̣͕̦͌̀͊̐͝ơ̸̧̢̗͚͎̜̘̮̻̳̭͍̓̈́̔̓̊̀͆͜͝ɔ̸̡̗̭͎̖͗͂̄̓̐̋͗̃̆̒́̇́ɯ̴̨̘̦̤͔͇̟̥̖͇̣̺͇͋́̃̈́́̆͋̅̈̍͜͜ɐ̸̢̢̙̩̲̱̞̼̩̳̠̖̳̃̊̉̆̑̽͐̀̒̾̕̚͠ͅɹ̴͔̽̆̒̋̔̆̇́̈́͂́̋̚͘͝p̷̗̓̋̎̊͐́̓̏̔͊̚͘͝ ̴̯͍̪̙͚̰͚̰̀̍͗͘͝ͅ,  is where you’ll find this hidden gem. 

Find it here first and then find yourself staring up at the real thing in Denver

Many Many Minis! 

"The amount of detail and time put in amazes me." – Michael S

Oh, Michael. You have no idea how much detail went into making an art experience look like a seemingly-simple grocery store while also weaving in a complex narrative component. 

For us, it’s about the details, but also the surprise and delight. We love to see the confused smile on your face when you open a fridge expecting to find another room—or even weirder, actual beverages—but instead you find miniature farmers harvesting Zalg, America’s Forgotten Vegetable! Your constant confusion is why we do this. 

Zalg Harvest” by Scott Geary inside Omega Mart. Photo by Atlas Media

And what’s more confusing than miniature models hidden in the most mundane places? 

Next time you’re at Omega Mart, explore the secret worlds of itty bitty humans. 

Can’t wait? Take the virtual tiny tour today! But please, due return. 

A Team with Character

A photo of an Omega Mart employee resting her face, somewhat sensually, against a large container of Mammoth Chunks. The can of chunks reads “Rich in essential proteins” and “100% wooly mammoths.”
Mammoth Chunks. Photo by Christopher DeVargas

The Omega Mart team is always expanding! From deli artists who can cut more than just salami to Dramcorp scientists sneaking away to gain firsthand understanding of YOU and your shopping habits, we’re always looking for ways to improve the Omega Mart experience.

Two team members stand in the aisle way of Omega Mart. The employee on the left has their arms on their hips. They’re wearing a white lab coat and a light up tie. Their head is an oversized red rose. The employee to the right wears a similar label coat and tie, but their face is visible. They’re holding a clipboard and pen while staring directly at the camera.
Dr. Rosenbloom and a Dramcorp D.A.R.T scientist inside of Omega Mart. Photo by Sue Kane

*Fine print: We’re legally obligated to tell you that extended exposure to Source elements can have an adverse effect on appearance. Omega Mart, and its parent company Dramcorp, assume no liability for alterations in appearance or desire that may occur as a result of employment.

Filed Under: Meow Wolf Newness

A purple and blue figurine slowly spinning in a dark display surrounded by crystalline stalks and various colorful figurines
“Rhampa” by Gail Gilbert. Photo by Atlas Media

Who is this stylish being? This is RHAMPA, current reigning deity inside the ICE BOX. Step in to witness RHAMPA’s chilling rule as he conducts a visual symphony of chaos and order.

A narrow room with colorful murals of an ecosystem on the walls and a desk with a lamp
“Daydream” by Mila May. Photo by Atlas Media

Omega Mart’s newest space, Daydream D204, reunites you with every thought you’ve ever lost. Childhood memories, good points in arguments, forgotten grocery items – find them all here! If anyone can remember how this room got here, that would be helpful!

A wide photo of the Dramcorp offices, bathed in a dark purple and white light. The center of the photo features the floor to ceiling filing cabinet, which is surrounded by office desks and computers.
Dramcorp Offices inside of Meow Wolf’s Omega Mart. Photo by Atlas Media

We’re always adding and upgrading, and one of our more recent additions is newly-added labels to our Dramcorp filing cabinet.

A close up photo of the filing cabinet, with one drawer labeled “Better Mousetraps” in view. To the left of the cabinet are more offices and the office robot
Dramcorp Offices inside of Meow Wolf’s Omega Mart. Photo by Atlas Media

With ideas submitted by our own staff, they’re worth the read. Just…beware of spontaneously opening cabinets.

Mega Upgrades

Meow Wolf’s Mega Art Zone inside of AREA15. Photo by Christopher DeVargas

What exactly happened here? 

While Omega Mart was sleeping, a group of artists assumed the roles of anti-Dramcorp insurrectionists and spent four nights terrorizing this nook with texture, slime, aging, graffiti and sculptural details, corrupting Omega Mart products and siphoning funds to fuel their revolution.

Naturally, Omega Mart takes full responsibility. Take a look at their sorriest apology yet.

A close up of Mega Art Zone, focused on the sign behind the carts which has a painting of Wake Up Spray and the Additive S sticker. The sign also reads “What does the “S” stand for?” The words “Superior Quality, Satisfying and safe” are crossed out in black marker. Next to that, someone has replaced those three “S” words with the words “Stop Stealing Source.
Mega Art Zone inside of AREA15. Photo by Christopher DeVargas

While maybe not something that even existed the last time you visited, the floor-to-ceiling covered walls tell Dramcorp’s biggest secrets, and even feature a few of Meow Wolf’s favorite inside jokes. 

 A closer up of the Mega Art Zone walls, with a focus on the spray painted words that read “Make Art Not War” with a neon peace sign next to it.
Mega Art Zone Wall Art inside of AREA15. Photo by Christopher DeVargas

This project was all about the little details while giving local artists a chance to display and sell their work. 

Take a look at all the folks who contributed to Omega Mart’s biggest upgrade since its 2021 opening. 


And finally, our best (and also worst) kept secret: Datamosh Bar. 

A wide photo of the empty Datamosh Bar. On the wall is a whale heart, true to size, with neon strings emerging from it. Overhead are hoops connected to pink and green strings that connect to one another.
Datamosh Bar inside of Meow Wolf’s Omega Mart. Photo by Atlas Media

Here you’ll find stylish bartenders and custom cocktails.

A photo of a bartender wearing a bright blue shirt with a purple, green and pink sleeves. She’s smiling while spraying alcohol from an Old Fashioned spray bottle into a cup.
Datamosh bartender preparing an Old Fashioned Spray. Photo by Christopher DeVargas

FAQ: Where can I buy one of those shirts? 

Fun Fact…You can’t! They’re custom-made by our very own Spencer Olsen and not available to the public. Yet…🤔

FAQ: Where can I find the bar? 

If we told you then we wouldn’t get to watch you open the bathroom door thinking you’d find a bar inside. 

But, before seeking out the bar, we always recommend you ask your doctor or pharmacist if Datamosh is right for you. 

An Old Fashioned Spray cocktail sits perfectly prepared on the table at the Datamosh bar. The glass, filled with blue liquid, is naturally slanted. There’s an orange rind and a cherry placed on top. Next to the glass is the Old Fashioned Spray bottle, filled with blue liquid. The bottle also reads “100 proof whiskey”
Old-Fashioned Spray Cocktail at Datamosh Bar. Photo by Laurent Valazquez

You may be thinking, “That’s it?! But what about_____?” 

This list is certainly not exhaustive. In a space this vast, you’re likely to miss things and so are we! So many details, both big and small, get overlooked, but that’s what makes Omega Mart worth the repeat visit(s). There’s always something new in-store. 

Next time you’re here, ask about the knock-knock jokes. Dial 664666 on the nearest telephone. If something waves, try waving back! 

Until then, we’ll see you around on the socials! Find us on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram

Have an Omega Day!