
Meow Wolf Supports Denver DIY Spaces

Meow Wolf is proud to announce $20,000 of matching funds specifically directed towards two of Denver's most beloved DIY spaces.

On January 1st, Meow Wolf opened applications for its DIY Fund, a $100,000 annual fund that goes towards supporting DIY arts and music spaces around the country. But since then, a more immediate need in Santa Fe's homie-city, Denver, became very apparent.

In partnership with Denver's Arts and Venues pledge of $20,000 to support DIY spaces in its own city, Meow Wolf is proud to announce $20,000 of matching funds specifically directed towards two of Denver's most beloved DIY spaces, Rhinoceropolis and Glob as the spaces attempt to rebound from recent closings due to city code violations. These violations came under a more scrutinized microscope following the Ghostship tragedy occurred in Oakland in December.

This donation from Meow Wolf is also in support of Amplify Arts, a newly-formed initiative to bring Denver's artist community together to fight for support and opportunity. These funds will be directly distributed to support rent, utilities, architecture fees, and build out costs for the spaces to become code compliant.

Meow Wolf has been a DIY arts and music community since 2008, and has had a sibling-type relationship with Rhinoceropolis over the years. Meow Wolf is lucky enough to have been given support from investors and mentors that has resulted in a profitable scenario thanks to our project in Santa Fe, and has also pushed us into a situation where we have knowledge of critical, infrastructure necessities and many of the red-tape processes that DIY communities face. We want to share these resources directly with DIY communities like Rhinoceropolis and Glob.

Meow Wolf knows how difficult it is to operate an alternative venue that builds authentic creative community. There are so many pressures to homogenize, so many pressures to be absorbed into disconnected, cookie-cutter ways of living and existing. Artists are being driven out of cities by rapidly growing costs of rent and lack of creative economic opportunities. These communities are forced into difficult scenarios and faced with hurdles that compromise their existence. Not the least of these hurdles are both funding and general knowledge of rights and processes. We stand in solidarity with creative communities and recognize these communities as critical components of a healthy society.

To support Rhinoceropolis and Glob directly, visit: