Omega Mart Rooms as Astrological Signs

Which Omega Mart portal is your zodiac twin? Time to find out.

Have you ever walked into an Omega Mart room and felt that the energy was sooo Gemini? It’s truly a sixth sense that not everyone has. This blob is for you. This blob is for us.

Check your sun, your moon, your Mars, your nodes. If something doesn’t sound like you, please consider that we probably aren’t even in the same star system.

Twelve signs. 9999999999 portals. Here we go. 

Disclaimer: We love and respect all of the signs. There is no favoritism here. Now hush, Aries.


An analog button game in a dark factory with glowing neon lights lining walkways
“Light Racer”

Everything is a competition for this fiery soul. You are constantly in a battle to prove you are the best, and deserve the best. We know this, you know this. So who are you playing against?

This is why you are the Light Racer.


A decorated skeleton sits in a glass coffin in a room with painted RGB patterns on the walls and floors
“Burial Chamber” Photo by Kate Russell

Stubborn. Immovable. Once you set your mind on something (or someone), it is nearly impossible to get you to budge. Your grudges hold stronger than anything else, and this is why you are the Burial Chamber. You will take your grudges to the grave. The wrinkle lines from your constant frowning will be imprinted onto your skeleton. Your arms crossed, unimpressed, for all of eternity.


A grocery store fridge section where one door opens to an icy hallway
“Drink Cooler Portal” Photo by Atlas Media

You get the Drink Cooler Portal. Not everything is what you see with this portal, or with Geminis. Most people will overlook you, write you off — but you have depths. You’re a whole world to explore. If only someone were to open you up and adventure into your Dramcorp-sized heart.


A computer screen with a glowing green screen leans against a pink wall filled with posters and diagrams
“Monolith Dwelling” Photo by Atlas Media

Cancers are tender souls, but don’t mistake tender for weak. There’s power in feeling. Is it not brave to let yourself fully experience the range of your emotions instead of shutting them off? 

Your feelings are thunderous, Cancer. But with thunder comes rain, and with all that feeling surely comes a need for breaks. So you’re the Monolith Dwelling. A cute, well-stocked hut on the edge of the universe for you to self-isolate and recharge your batteries.


A flower garden maze wall leads to a glowing pink corner
“Flower Shop Portal” Photo by Atlas Media

Leo, you believe in experiencing life to the fullest. So much so that you yourself have become a portal to newfound greatness. You are the Flower Shop Portal — a strange and beautiful garden leading to another world. Your insatiable quest for adventure and self-discovery has you constantly watering the flowers of your mind and body. You are a motivator for others and an example of what a life best lived is. 


A dark office corner populated with two black sofas, a white L-shaped desk, and product posters on the walls
“Dramcorp Offices” Photo by Atlas Media

You are the Dramcorp Offices.

Don’t roll your eyes. An office? For Virgo? Surely groundbreaking, yes, but think. Virgos are all about detailed planning that leads to a brilliant result. Where else does that happen? The office, where ideas meet paper and practice makes perfect. Your kingdom.


A white paper jungle with colorful projections across the leaves
“Dream Jungle” Photo by Kate Russell

Libra, your charm and chameleon-like social skills make you a dream to be around. Everybody’s dream. But where do you dream for yourself? You’re the Dream Jungle. Dazzling images projected onto huge paper flora. Your dreams can take you anywhere, and your brilliance will get you everywhere.


A dark room with a glass display showing hand-painted, illuminated patterns
“Pulse” Photo by Atlas Media

You’re Pulse. People think they understand you but they can’t begin to imagine what’s past the surface. And isn’t that half the fun? They’re in awe of you but few stand in the face of your intrigue and understand. You’re a whole cosmos — a mesmerizing world not everyone gets to inhabit.


A psychedelic red three-faced figure is projected onto an indoor cavern wall
“Projected Desert” Photo by Atlas Media

You are a literal movie: fun, entertaining, thrilling, emotional, clever. Anyone could sit and listen to your stories for hours, so you are the Projected Desert. The universe’s favorite storyteller. You draw an audience and send travelers on journeys across the cosmos without them ever having to move.


Two illuminated fractal trees glow red in a dark room
“FractaLife” Photo by Atlas Media

Let’s chat for a second. You know what’s beautiful? Mathematics. The universe speaks through this. The forces around us can all be distilled into numbers and equations. Rhythms. There is beauty in order, in structure, in calculation.

Capricorn, your room is FractaLife. You are ambitious and disciplined. Your careful calculations always lead to something exquisite. Look at the individual shapes and rhythms in FractaLife, all connecting to form a beautiful web of worlds. This is your mind.


An indoor tunnel lined with long horizontal LED light strips leading to the other end
“Light Tunnel” Photo by Atlas Media

Aquarians, you are unique — creative, rebellious, and a realist. You are a connoisseur of the finer things in life, thus you are the Light Tunnel, a vibrant passage transporting travelers to fun adventures. You care about making the world better, brighter, and beautiful-er. Just as travelers passing through the tunnel witness a beautiful light show, everyone who encounters you gets to experience your originality and humor.


A large room with giant deconstructed record player parts on the walls. Glowing green and red lights flash under the record player parts
“Juke Temple” Photo by Atlas Media

You’re a nerd aren’t you? A yapper? You see the beauty in everything, and probably cry a lot. How could you not. Beauty IS in everything and all that.

There are layers to you, Pisces, and that’s why you’re Juke Temple: a deconstructed record player. You can zone out and just look at how gorgeous everything is, or you can dial in and spot all the different layers.

I hope this brought you peace. I hope that itch in your mind that started when you first visited Omega Mart or saw a photo of a room and went “that’s so me” has finally been scratched.

 We are all little flowers under a sun. Be kind to each other. Find the beauty in each other.