
Reduced Admission "Community Days" are Going Monthly

We have a special announcement for our friends and neighbors in New Mexico.

We have a special announcement for our friends and neighbors in New Mexico. Meow Wolf's Community Days, which feature reduced admission for New Mexico residents, will now happen on the second Sunday of every month through Labor Day.

On Community Day we knock ticket prices back by nearly a third. New Mexican adults, seniors and children under 12 can get in for just $11, $10 and $7.50, respectively.

Tickets for out-of-state guests will remain the same general admission price. Community Days are our way of saying thanks for the support we receive from our hometown of Santa Fe and our home state of New Mexico.

Our first few Community Days were very successful, and because of that we decided to hold them more frequently. Keep an eye on this blog for announcements about special events we may do in conjunction with Community Days in the future.

Thanks, as always. — Billiam